Showing 26 - 50 of 71 Results
Selected Letters of Ameen al-Rihani: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781519679291 List Price: $85.43
Lebanese Hymns of Love and War (Black and White Edition) by El-Hage, George ISBN: 9781522844631 List Price: $7.99
Love Surpassed: A Book of Poetry (Black and White Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781522826798 List Price: $9.99
Selected Letters of Ameen al-Rihani (Black and White edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781519693990 List Price: $20.00
Ameen Al-Rihani's the Register of Repentance : Four Short Stories and a Play by El-Hage Ph D, George Nicolas ISBN: 9781092957274 List Price: $30.00
marHaba III: A Course in Levantine & Modern Standard Arabic (LMSA) - Advanced (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781981357222 List Price: $35.00
Brief History of Arabic Literature: Volume Two : Andalusia to the Modern Age by El-Hage, George ISBN: 9781979275651 List Price: $25.00
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 10 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722270445 List Price: $20.83
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 6 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722270162 List Price: $14.73
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 7 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722270230 List Price: $13.68
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 8 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722270292 List Price: $13.33
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 9 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722270377 List Price: $13.33
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 4 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722269906 List Price: $16.48
ghanaani libnaniyee lilu laad (Lebanese Nursery Rhymes) Volume 5 (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781722270070 List Price: $16.83
Nizar Qabbani: Women in My Poetry and in My Life: Translated into English with an Introduction by George Nicolas El-Hage Ph.D. ISBN: 9781790869237 List Price: $30.00
Love Poems from Beirut (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781726250542 List Price: $12.00
Gibran Kahlil Gibran wa William Blake: Sha'ira al-Ru'ya: (Gibran Kahlil Gibran and William B... by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781729537268 List Price: $25.00
Sahifat "al-Risala" al-Lubnaniya al-Mahjariya: (The "al-Risala" Newspaper and the Lebanese P... by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781729718643 List Price: $25.00
Madkhal ila-l-'alam al-shi 'ri 'inda Khalil Hawi usluban wa madmunan: (An Introduction to th... by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781729738740 List Price: $25.00
anti wal atfaalu fi Beirut: You and the Children in Beirut (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781729771327 List Price: $25.00
al-Nabi bayna 'adu al-Masih wa al-Insan al-Ilah (Arabic Edition) by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781729854198 List Price: $25.00
A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Volume One: Pre-Islamic to the Abbaasid Age by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781978048065 List Price: $25.00
Nizar Qabbani: My Story with Poetry - "An Autobiography" by George Nicolas El-Hage Ph.D. ISBN: 9781548000714 List Price: $24.99
Mikhail Naimy: al-Ghirbal (The Sieve): Selections Translated into English with an Introduction by George Nicolas El-Hage Ph.D. ISBN: 9781090240590 List Price: $40.00
Ibn al-Farid's "Khamriyya" ("Ode on Wine") by El-Hage, George, George Nic... ISBN: 9781540727749 List Price: $16.00
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